It is common to have periodic check-ups to prevent diseases such as cancer, oral hygiene problems, or loss of sight. But, we may not treat our ears and nose with the same care, which is by no means less necessary than any other part of our body. Why should you search for ENT clinic doctor near me? This way you can find the best ear, nose, and throat care near you to help with your ailments. This article will discuss the symptoms that should prompt an ENT evaluation.
In the Ear
Prevent noise injuries (Acoustic trauma)
Generally, we live or work in environments with a lot of noise that is harmful to hearing. Being exposed to them for a long time, in some cases or situations, supposes an irreversible hearing loss. No matter the type of noise, loud music is just as harmful as firecrackers, hammering, the noise of a radial saw, or jackhammers. This ear injury is called “acoustic trauma.”
The hearing loss at first affects high frequencies, which are not the most important when listening to conversations, so at first, it is possible that the patient does not notice this loss. If he continues to be exposed to loud noise, the damage will increase and affect other frequencies, which will cause problems in understanding the spoken word.
Having periodic check-ups with the otolaryngologist can be helpful in monitoring acoustic trauma and hearing about options for protecting your hearing.
This type of condition is frequent in professionals with high noise exposure (for example, pilots, workers, carpenters, musicians, DJs, hairdressers, or airport personnel), using headphones with loud music in events, military, and police officers.
It is also frequent in hunters; in them, the problem is often more intense in the left ear (for right-handed people) because when facing the shotgun, the left ear is more exposed to the explosion, while the right ear is covered by the shoulder and suffers less from acoustic trauma.

Avoid Ear Infections
Another important reason to go to the Otorhinolaryngologist is to prevent or treat ear infections. The origin of this problem occurs in the secretion of earwax, which serves as a defense for the ear canal. Sometimes this secretion is abundant, and what is known as a wax plug is formed. Using cotton swabs to clean wax is not convenient as we are removing a barrier to infection.
In addition, with the use of cotton swabs, we are not going to prevent a wax plug from forming, but rather we run the risk of inserting the plug further into the canal, which causes more discomfort and later it will be more difficult to remove.
The secretion of cerumen does not usually cause discomfort until it completely covers the duct, at which time we will notice a decrease in hearing and a sensation of clogging. On some occasions, we begin to notice it after the entry of water because the wax plug, when hydrated, swells and increases in volume, and we notice the clogged ear, a sensation that disappears after a while when it has dried.
Sometimes the wax plug is not complete, and we do not notice anything. Still, water can get into the ear, and the plug acts as a barrier that prevents the water from coming out with the consequent discomfort and the possibility of otitis due to the maintained humidity in the ear canal. For these reasons, the best ENT doctors near me must conduct an ear check.
In the Nose
Allow Nasal Breathing
The nose has a respiratory function; it must filter, humidify and heat the air before reaching the lungs.
Nasal ventilation has a series of peculiarities; for example, the two nostrils do not have the same width at the same time. It is known as the nasal cycle: at one time, more air passes through one nostril than the other, and in a period that varies between 2 and 6 hours, the reverse situation will occur depending on the temperature and humidity of the air.
That is why we will may notice that more air passes through one nostril than the other, a normal situation that should not worry us. Another characteristic of nasal breathing is a reflex that occurs when lying down or at bedtime.
Lying down increases the amount of blood that reaches the nasal structures, with which they widen a bit, narrowing the place for air to pass and can lead to us noticing that we breathe worse. This may be due to internal nose alteration, so you should visit an ENT doctor near me.
When lying down or sleeping, a nasal reflex occurs, which consists of the fact that when we are lying on our side, the lower nostril becomes congested and covered, and the upper one clears and allows air to pass through.
A deviation of the nasal septum can cause nasal blockage and impair breathing and sleep. For this reason, a review by the otorhinolaryngologist is important to assess a possible septal deviation and the need for a septoplasty or rhinoplasty.
All these discussed parts of the body are what an ENT doctor treats, including the throat. Hence, to help you solve some throats related problems, we have created an article on sore throat from allergies. Contact us today to get access to the best-rated ENT doctors near me.